Back to the Past: The Rise of the False Heiress Marrying the True Tycoon novel free - Chapter 448

Chapter 448


Chapter 448: Trouble Arises


Translator: EndlessFantasy Translation Editor: EndlessFantasy Translation

The old mans face still held a jovial smile, but upon seeing Gu Zis agitation, he sought to calm her. So thats what it is, he said soothingly. The medicine youre talking about is a laxative powder. I can certainly prepare some for you, but what you do with it is none of my business.

Gu Zi, seeing that the old man harbored no suspicions, felt a sense of relief. Her guess had been correct: Ah Zhuang had indeed purchased the medicine a few days ago.

Moreover, she could tell that as she recounted her acquaintance with Ah Zhuang, the old mans gaze had taken on a certain suggestive quality. He likely thought she was a woman with a questionable relationship with Ah Zhuang. This was indicative of Ah Zhuangs reputation for being entangled in numerous romantic affairs.

As the old man began to prepare the medicine, Gu Zi casually struck up a

conversation. Of course, its none of your concern, she said. Ive heard from Ah Zhuang himself that your medicine is particularly effective. I heard that someone at his factory had offended him, and this is how he dealt with them. Just thinking about those people running to the toilet in distress makes me want to laugh.

The old man, hearing Gu Zis bold words, quickly raised his hand in caution. Miss, you cant talk like that here, he warned. Especially about Ah Zhuangs situation. You must keep it a secret. If the people at the pig farm find out, it could cause a lot of trouble. Lets not talk about this.

Feigning ignorance, Gu Zi asked loudly, Are you referring to Ah Zhuang buying laxative powder from you? Whats there to be afraid of? Its not like hes killing anyone. Hes just causing a bit of diarrhea by adding it to the hot water used in the pig farms boiler room.

The old mans face turned anxious. Why was she saying more when he had asked her to say less? He placed the packaged medicine on the counter, saying, The medicine is ready. Pay and leave quickly. He hoped to prevent her from speaking so recklessly.

Gu Zi didnt respond or take the medicine. Instead, she stepped back a few paces and called out to someone outside the door. Come in, Su Shen. Its your turn to talk to the owner of the veterinary medicine shop.

At her words, a tall man with long legs stepped in. His handsome face bore a cold expression.

The old man recognized Su Shen. He knew that Su Shen was Ah Zhuangs boss, but he didnt understand why this woman was with him. Who was she?

Realizing he might have been tricked, the old man stood frozen in place.

Su Shen addressed the old man. This is my wife, Gu Zi. I heard your conversation just now. Ah Zhuang bought laxative powder from you, is that correct?

You can deny it, but I must clarify that Im already investigating Ah Zhuangs case. Although we discovered it in time and his actions didnt lead to severe consequences, if you dont tell the truth, I will deal with your shop in the same way as him.

Gu Zi chimed in, What my husband means is simple. If you cooperate and tell the truth, we wont pursue the matter of you selling the medicine. But if you cover for Ah Zhuang, youre the one who will be in big trouble.

After all, Ah Zhuang was only his nephew. The old man had a family of his own, children of his own. He would know how to make the right choice.

The old man was subdued by Su Shens commanding presence, recognizing that he was not someone he could afford to offend. Although Su Shen was not one to exploit his power, the old man knew that he and his nephew were in the wrong. If Su Shen decided to pursue the matter, the business he had been running for most of his life would likely be ruined.

The old man pleaded with Su Shen, Ive said it all. As long as you dont hold me accountable for selling medicine to Ah Zhuang

When Su Shen and Gu Zi were leaving, Gu Zi addressed the old man, We wont hold you accountable this time. We mean what we say. If you want to continue your business peacefully, you need to uphold medical ethics. Even if youre just selling animal medicine, you should have medical ethics. Not only will this prevent harm to others, but it will also bring peace to you and your family. Youre already of age, take some time to reflect on this.

If it were someone else in a different profession, Gu Zi wouldnt have bothered to say all this. But the old mans job was selling medicine, so regardless of whether he would take her words to heart, she felt compelled to say them. She didnt expect to awaken his conscience, but hoped that he would reflect on his original intentions when he was alone.

After Gu Zi and Su Shen left, they returned to Daqing Village, planning to find Ah Zhuang the next day to resolve the matter.

However, as soon as their car pulled up to the house, Gu Zi saw the figures of her mother and Aunt Yang. Her mothers face was filled with worry, and Aunt Yang looked haggard. Something had definitely happened.

After Su Shen parked the car, Gu Zi immediately got out, handing the child in her arms to Su Shen. She approached her mother and Aunt Yang, Mom, what happened to Aunt Yang? Tell me..

